Update 2015 December 12

Things are going surprisingly well. If all continues going as planned, I’ll ask for (and probably be granted) a day pass this Friday (December 18), an overnight pass from Saturday to Sunday (December 19-20), and be discharged on next Monday (December 21). I don’t know what my diagnosi(e)s is/are, but I guess it doesn’t really matter, if I’ve learnt anything these two years. Anyway, we’ll discuss that when discharge comes. Whatever it/they is/are, I hope it/they will help me better understand how to deal with my thoughts and emotions, and that’s what matters.
Meds will continue to be tweaked even after discharge, but nothing that would cause me (hopefully) too much distress. Anyway I live close to the hospital and I have apparently a lot of good insurance, so if all else fails I’ll just come back to Emergency.
That’s it for now. The Creatures are still there, but they’re okay. Things are going okay.
My mood is good, too. It’s been a month back on antidepressants, and even though I didn’t believe they worked, I’m actually excited about life now, so I guess they DO do something. :P

Thanks for following along. If you’re in Singapore let me know if you want to hang out. I’ll be Skypeable soon, so look out for that. Let me know if there’s anything I can pray for you about.

I think I’m slowly getting better. It’s been five days on the full dosage of the new med, and I always respond very quickly to meds. I can feel the creatures slowly going away, too, day by day. But nights are still difficult. It’s been three hard nights in a row, and many more sleepless ones all around. I’d really like a full night’s sleep, but it just isn’t happening. I don’t know why. I’m (temporarily) on a sedative AND a sleeping pill, but still got only 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. It’s frustrating. Hoping to not get too many side effects too, I’m starting to feel restless again. Not sure whether that’s because of withdrawal from the old med, or because of the new one.
At least my thoughts are clearing up in the daytime.

The past few days have been rough, because I’m going down on the old meds but the new ones haven’t kicked in yet. Last night was really bad.
Hopefully it will get better and the creatures will go away.

Update 2015 December 3


This is another instance of WordPress FAILING on my phone. My entire post has been lost, and I’m not typing it all out again.

Suffice to say that The Creatures are back, but there is a friendly deer who was here, went away, then came back. So I’m surviving at the moment. When the meds kick in The Creatures should go away, but the friendly deer (I call it/him Prongs) might go away too. :(

Still, I’m not fighting the meds either. Even though/if I am not sick and everything I believe is true.. I will be ok with staying in this world and living here.

Keep praying for me. The Creatures are not fun. They touch my shoulders and arms and legs, and it’s a cold, soft, unpleasant pressure. Still, Prongs makes things okay.

That’s it for now. Thanks for following along.